Lots of times people ask me why I do what I do. This was my first Christmas 65 years ago. After an accident of falling off my mother's bed in 1957, I had a fractured skull with a bleeding artery. I was paralyzed on my right side and almost dead when I got to the hospital. The doctors had to perform a craniotomy. I was born to my mother because she was a nurse and she knew what to do fast. The neurosurgeon Dr Fred Brown was waiting for us at the hospital. God guided his hands and today I am healthy. The only symptom is that I am always smiling. Just maybe I saw Jesus during that time. When I first went to Nicaragua in 1999 we made a visit to the hospital. My heart broke for those children and parents and I have tried my best to do everything to help them ever since. I love what God has called me to do and I love that he uses people like you to help financially and especially with prayers. One day and one day real soon we will see our Lord. I want to hear Well done my child, how about you?